Social Institutions
(Donations and Sponsorship)


Help us with you donations and support to save the life of a Homeless street children in Zambia. We working with a Zambia Christian NGO (Nsansa Village Community Development Mission) which help some of the street children in Lusaka Zambia and provids Shalter, Food And Education.

An Estimate number of Street Children in Zambia

Zambia is one of the countries in Africa that has a high number of orphans. There are an estimated 1 million orphans. Sometimes parents who are poor because they cannot find work, are alcoholics or take drugs abandon their children or send them away to live on the streets. Often these children try to get money by begging to support their needy parents.

However, life on the street is very hard. Most of the time, the street children have nothing to eat, drink dirty water, live under bridges without protection from freezing nights and are exposed to numerous mosquitoes. The street children beg for food or eat food scraps from the rubbish and occasionally they receive ” Nshima” (Nshima is a traditional nutritious but inexpensive food and is made from maize flour) from social organizations and collect clothes from the rubbish.

Homeless/Defenceless Girls In The Street in Zambia

For one girl in particular, life on the streets is extremely difficult. Lacking protection and financial support, they are often sexually exploited, both by strangers and by bigger street boys. The girls are forced to have sex and often have no choice, because if they refuse, they are beaten up.

Although the government offers free family planning pills or injections to prevent unwanted pregnancies, many girls, especially young ones, are ashamed to visit the hospital to get help in this area. This leads to unwanted pregnancies and the babies are born under the bridge on the street in very poor living conditions, usually under the influence of drugs. These innocent babies often have no proper clothes, food or blankets and are often introduced to drugs at a tender age.

These babies born to street child mothers are then also not brought to the clinic, and are often not registered (do not have a birth certificate), which means they are not known to the government. It is therefore often difficult to get help from the government. Also, these babies are often drugged to avoid hunger or a chill due to lack of necessary clothing or other much needed baby items.

Drug Abuse Amoung Street Children in Zambia

Drug abuse among street children is common. They use a kind of “sniffing product” for this purpose, which can be bought cheaply and carried around in plastic bottles all the time. However, it is extremely corrosive and therefore very dangerous to their health. They take these drugs to avoid both psychological and physical pain, e.g. not feeling hungry or thirsty, not feeling cold for lack of a blanket, or being able to bear physical pain. These drugs make them feel cut off from all suffering, but also vulnerable and weak, so that they cannot protect themselves, especially the girls from rape.

Often the sick or abused dirty street children, who are also under the influence of drugs, do not get medical care and are not admitted as normal patients in the general hospital. This condemns them even more to live a miserable life with no hope of improvement.

As street children, they also have no opportunity to go to school because they have no one to pay the necessary school fees. Nevertheless, many of them would like to go to school and get an education so that they can return to a normal life without the abuse, hunger, thirst, drugs or often discriminatory behaviour that they are exposed to on a daily basis. Their only hope and desire is to find an angel sent by God to help them get out of this misery. They pray daily to God for a Saviour who will help them change their lives.

Why do we ask for Donations?

We have a social and spiritual vision to help those kids and people who have not a fullfilled life and suffer a lot. Sharing the own profit with them who have not so much luck makes a much more succesful and happy way of life because it s not only BUSINESS WHAT SHOULD BE IN OUR MIND BUT LOVE FOR EACH OTHER IN OUR OWN HEART! FOR THIS HEARTFUL MISSION BEATS OUR HEART!

We work Inline with Our Vision

As stated in our vision in making businesspartner happy and to trust in the partnership, we stands for trust in doing donations and sponsoring affairs. Everything should be clear and clean done! For this stands our name INSANSA!

Our managers are partners of local NGOs in Zambia and work directly with them. They are all trained to be socially sensitive and regularly visit the street children themselves on the streets of Zambia or the NSANSA Development Community to get an on-the-spot picture of social projects and the prevailing situation.

All projects are discussed with the responsible directors of the NGOs so that all donations can be spent properly and against presentation of the invoices. For this purpose, a donation account has been set up in Austria, which is constantly monitored and audited by the responsible bank and this also by Austria

PR Insansa guarantees that all donations received in Zambia, minus minimal administrative expenses (e.g. bank charges), are only used for the purpose of financing the social projects. The resulting invoices are kept in Austria by PR Insansa for control purposes. The donors/sponsors are always kept up to date via the internet (with pictures and possibly proof of invoice).

We stand for Christmas unconditional trust and thus directly connect Austria and the rest of Europe with Africa/Zambia without intermediaries.

We are changing the future of these Street Children by:

  • Enabling Orphans and Street Children have proper shelter and food.
  • Helping children to go to school, help them to succeed at school.
  • Preparing  children for life beyond school and strengthening the community support for children’s education.

Meet Our Partner

  1. Nsansa Village Community Development Mission.

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